Searching Vocabulary in a Crossword Game -

Diterbitkan 01 Jul 2022

Searching Vocabulary in a Crossword Game

Wednesday, 18 May 2022, the fifth grade students of Amr bin Ash Juara Elementary School East Jakarta, took part in English lessons. The material taught is about School Supplies.

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Abu Hanifah

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Wednesday, 18 May 2022, the fifth grade students of Amr bin Ash Juara Elementary School East Jakarta, took part in English lessons. The material taught is about School Supplies.

The teacher writes 5 vocabularies about school supplies in Indonesian and English. After that the teacher invites students to mention the vocabulary together. The vocabulary learned includes book, notebook, scissor, glue, and pencil case.

The lesson continued with giving student worksheets. In this student worksheet, students are invited to write a translation of the vocabulary they have learned. After that, students look for the vocabulary in the form of a crossword game. "I got a lot of new vocabulary. Besides being fun, this crossword puzzle game made me memorize the vocabulary I learned today."  Said Tya, one of the fifth grade students.

After finishing playing the game, the students deposit vocabulary to the teacher. There are some children who forget their translated vocabulary and make mistakes in their pronunciation. Then, the teacher immediately helps correct the incorrect pronunciation of vocabulary.

Hopefully with this learning method, children will be happy in learning English and it will be easier for them to memorize a lot of vocabulary. (Imas Agustini)



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